Results 2019

2019 was an outstanding year with some great prices. In the District 8 (Gelder Overijsselse Unie) the 1st Short Distance championship and the 3rd middle Distance championship were achieved. In the Region Noord Oost: the 1st Short Distance Championships and also the Middle Distance championships. And Kayne became 1ste Nationale Ace Pigeon WHZB-TBOTB Short Distance.

Results 2022:

In 2022 the Voskamp pigeons were able to win in big competion:

  • Fast N' Load 19-1369190 (son of Kayne): Bierges 1/5146 Pigeons. 
  • Oskari 20-1209102  (son of Kayne): Tongeren 2/5145 Pigeons
  • Martin 20-1209191 (grandson Kayne): Nanteuil 1/1628 Pigeons
  • Alcaraz (grandson Kayne) 21-1629456: Chimay 1/2093 Pigeons
  • Lady Tess (half sister Kayne) 21-1629407: Morlincourt 2/4848 Pigeons
  • Esmee (daughter Super Jack & Nikite):  Heusden-Zolder 1/2986 Pigeons


On the Middle Distance I won the 8th place (onaangewezen) in the District 8 (Gelder Overijsselse Unie).

One Loft Races

3rd place winter race final Algarve Great Derby (AGD Winter Race) with Amira, half sister of Kayne. 1074 pigeons were in the 486 km final race from Alfandega da Fe. Her father is Governor and her mother is Bond Girl 453.